Verse – John 1:29
The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, “Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
In the laws God gave to the Israelites, they were instructed to sacrifice lambs without blemish for their sins. These lambs had to be sacrificed in a very specific way as an atonement for them doing something they were not supposed to. This does not deviate from the original payment of sin, which is death.
In essence, the moment someone transgressed they were supposed to pay with death. “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23). When Adam and Eve transgressed, their disobedience incurred this same penalty, death. While they didn’t die physically immediately, they experienced spiritual death, which is separation from God.
The tree of the knowledge of good and evil symbolized this consequence. Spiritual death is what makes hell so devastating; it is a place utterly devoid of God’s presence. God’s presence brings beauty, nature, joy, love and all the things we feel, see and touch. In hell, none of these are present. Thus, spiritually dead souls, separated from God, have only one home: hell.
How then can a spiritually dead person be saved from hell?
Well, hell is the destination for anyone separated from God. These people still live in their sins and so hell is where they go for the atonement of their sins.
Yet, God, in His mercy, provided another way. Just as sin and spiritual death entered the world through one man, Adam, so too could spiritual life and restoration come through one perfect sacrifice, a lamb without blemish. This is the heart of the Gospel: God sent His Son, the unblemished Lamb, to die for the sins of mankind.
This Christmas, let us remember and share the purpose of Christ’s birth. He came so that through His sacrifice, spiritually dead souls could be awakened, reconciled with God, and inherit eternal life in heaven. Remind someone this season that if they believe in Jesus Christ, they can be spiritually restored and dwell with their Maker forever.
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This Christmas I will remind someone that the Lamb of God has been sacrificed for their sins and they no longer have to spend eternity separated from God.
Dear Lord,
Thank You for the Lamb You sacrificed for me. Thank You that I am spiritually alive because of this incredible sacrifice. Help me to spread this good news with others across the world. Let those who hear it come to know the truth. Let them no longer be deceived by the devil. Help them find their way to spending eternity with You.
- What does the thought of a life without God’s presence, whether in this world or eternity mean to you?
- Do you truly believe that Christ’s sacrifice was sufficient to restore your relationship with God?
- How does the promise of eternal life with God impact the way you live now?
- How have you embraced the purpose of Christ’s birth and sacrifice in your life?
- Who in your life might need to hear the message of salvation this Christmas?