8 Prayers Against The Spirit Of Lust


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For everything in the world—the lust of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life—comes not from the Father but from the world.
1 John 2:16

The world fell the day Adam and Eve believed the devil instead of God. They gave the keys to the beautiful, incorrupt world that God had entrusted to them over to the devil.

In doing so, they handed over authority to him, and that is where sin, disease, evil, and everything devoid of God’s presence and Spirit took root. These are the fruits of the flesh, the corrupted evil of the devil.

Lust, selfishness, envy, jealousy, murder, and covetousness are just a few of the many evils that entered the world. As the verse suggests, lust is born in the flesh, often arising through the eyes. Lust always seeks to satisfy the flesh, not the spirit. Since the flesh and spirit are in constant battle, the side with the most influence often wins.

Remember, spirits often find open doors before they enter. In other words, they require permission from you to influence and possess you.

So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the flesh.
Galatians 5:16

Walking in the Spirit means focusing your eyes and ears on the things of the Spirit. Meditating on the Word of God will fill your spirit with life and strength. It will edify your spirit and help you stand firm against the temptations of the flesh. If the flesh is stronger than the spirit, then anytime your eyes encounter something that could tempt the flesh into sin, it will inevitably succumb.

A lustful flesh brings many problems to a person. Lust can cause someone to throw away a life they’ve spent years building. It can destroy someone else’s family. It can lead to unwanted diseases. It pulls your mind far away from the Lord. Once the devil realizes he can overpower your spirit with a particular lust, that is where he will take residence. He will continue to bring that same temptation until you give in to it.

This is why you must edify your spirit in order to overcome the lust of the flesh. Through this edification, you can defeat the devil.

Prayers against the spirit of lust

Prayers against fornication

Dear Lord,  
I pray against the spirit of fornication. I ask for the edification of my spirit. Help me strengthen my spirit and control the lusts of the flesh. Grant me the strength to overcome any demonic temptations. Help me not to feast my eyes on improper things, and protect me from being deceived. Let those who attempt to lead me astray fail in their efforts. Make my paths straight and guide me to walk in a way that pleases You.

Prayers against adultery

Dear Lord,  
Thank You for my marriage and for the life of my partner. Help me to grow in love for them each day. Let my eyes never wander from my marriage, and protect me from anything that could threaten my family. Grant me the strength to resist temptation and overcome any evil thoughts. Help my spirit to fall more in love with You, and let that love overflow into my relationship. Give me patience, tolerance, and peace in my marriage. Replace any lustful spirits with pure, selfless love for my spouse.

Prayer against lust for money

Heavenly Father,  
I pray for my heart today. Help me to be content and grant me peace within. Protect me from the desire to lust after money, and guide me so that I am not led astray by material possessions. Let me not be deceived by things that glitter, but rather, help me to seek Your kingdom first. Provide for me so that I lack nothing. Strengthen my will and keep me from desperation. Bail me out of my troubles and keep my mind and soul focused solely on You.

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Prayer against greed

Dear Lord in Heaven,  
I pray against greed. Please remove it from my heart and help me to find contentment in what I have. Let me be satisfied with what You have provided for me and restrain me from the allure of this world. Do not allow anyone to deceive me with greed, and I destroy any spirit of greed that tries to take hold of me. Let it not lead me into trouble or cause me to take what isn't mine. Help me to comport myself with integrity and do not let me take advantage of others. Let my flesh be edified in Your name.

Prayer against envy

Dear Lord,  
Guard my heart against envy and bind the spirit of envy far from me. Help me to respect what others have and teach me restraint. Let me wait patiently for my time and not rush through anything. Order my steps in grace and favor. Let me not covet what others possess but instead be content with what I have. Give me the strength to follow Your path, help me avoid temptation, and guide me in claiming the inheritance You have promised.

Prayer against stealing

Heavenly Father,  
Keep me from stealing and from the lust of this world that may lead me astray. Let it not turn me into a thief. In my place of power, help me to stand firm in Your values and never stray from Your teachings. Let no one provoke me to steal, and protect me from disgrace. Teach me to be content with what I have and not covet what is not mine. Grant me the desires of my heart, according to Your will.

Lust for food

Heavenly Father,  
I pray against the spirit of gluttony. Let me not lust for food, but help me to be satisfied with what I have. Keep me from gathering more than I need and give me a generous heart. Touch my body, Lord, and destroy the spirit of lust within me. Grant me contentment and help me provide for my family's needs without taking from others. Cause me to love and accept all that You give me.

Lust for demons

Heavenly Father,  
I pray for my heart. Help me not to lust after demonic activities or be led into darkness. Guard me against bad influences and let greed never lead my soul astray. Protect me from deceit and help me resist the temptation to wander into cults or occultic groups. Keep my heart focused on You. Grant me grace and favor, and strengthen me to resist the pull of power, money, and possessions. Help me to edify and build my spirit with Your word.

Lust dwells in the heart and has the power to control your life. It shifts your focus from the things of God to the things of the world. When the flesh overpowers the spirit, it weakens the body’s resistance to sin. A person controlled by lust is easily tempted by provocative things they see.

Consistently feeding your eyes with such images opens the door for demonic forces to enter your heart and influence your actions. You may end up doing things you know are wrong. Guard your heart against inappropriate images and videos, and keep your life free from lustful spirits. Meditate on the word of God, edifying your spirit to strengthen it against the desires of the flesh.

Flee the evil desires of youth and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace, along with those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.
2 Timothy 2:22


  1. The article provides powerful prayers against the spirit of lust, aiming to help individuals fight temptations related to fornication, adultery, greed, envy, and other sinful desires. It emphasizes the importance of walking in the Spirit to strengthen one’s spirit and resist the pull of the flesh. Through these prayers, the goal is to seek divine strength and protection, fostering self-control and spiritual growth. 🙏💪🔥


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